Registration Options*

  • Regular Member

    Regular Member

    In order to become a regular member of the club, an applicant must own a BMW motorcycle and pay the appropriate annual fee. Dues are not prorated

    Price $25.00

  • Associate Member

    Associate Member

    Associate members enjoy all of the benefits of regular membership, except they have no voting privileges or official voice at meetings and cannot hold office. Associate members could be former members who are physically unable to ride their motorcycles, or BMW motorcycle owners residing outside of Illinois.

    Price $15.00

I/We hereby waive and hold harmless BMW Motorrad Group Northern Illinois, its officers and directors for any cause of action I/ we have now or may have against BMW Motorrad Group Northern Illinois in the future. This extends to my/ our executors, administrators and assignees.


Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
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